In order to enable server listen web requests, we need to install apache on server
Following steps have been performed on linux red hat 64 bit operating system
1:- First login as root on server through Putty
2:- Perform yum installation of apache (Yum is an automatic updater and package installer/remover for rpm systems)
Type following commands
# yum install httpd httpd-devel
After installation test your installation by executing following command
# service httpd start
With this, your apache has been successfully started.
3:- Configure APACHE
For this, we have to edit httpd.conf file located at /etc/httpd/conf/http.conf
Type following command
# sudo nano httpd.conf
Now edit following entry
Servername IP ADDRESS:80
Now restart your server, type following command
# service httpd restart
Your apache installation is complete now
2:- Install PHP
1:- Type following command
# yum install php
With this your PHP have been installed on server
2:- Create a file named index.php where by default apache will point to
Type following commands
# cd /var/www/html
# sudo nano index.php
Now type following code inside it
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
and Save it
3:- Restart apache
# service httpd restart
Final Step is to test installation of php and apache on server
Open web browser and type
https://your ip address
It should open all the information about php extensions etc
If after successful installation of apache,it does not listen to web request simply type following commands
# iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
# /etc/init.d/iptables save